
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Freelancer

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer seems like an impossible pipe dream for many people. But imagine being able to set your own schedule day-in and day-out and only doing work you absolutely love. That’s not possible! You cry. That’s literally a golden, glittery unicorn that...

How to Make the Most of Your First Freelance Project

How to Make the Most of Your First Freelance Project

You’ve just finished up your very first freelance project, polished it to perfection, and have hovered achingly over that “send” button for much longer than you should have. You hit send, the client loves, and that’s it finished. Oh. I remember feeling a little miffed...

How to Negotiate the Perfect Rate for Freelance Assignments

How to Negotiate the Perfect Rate for Freelance Assignments

Pricing is probably the most contentious aspect of being a freelancer. Scour any freelancer forum or talk to anyone who works for themselves and you’ll often find that setting the perfect rate for freelance assignments is a subject that leaves people scratching their...